Transition Networks IONADP Adapter Card

Transition Networks IONADP Adapter Card

The IONADP is an adapter card that allows the ION Platform chassis to be backwards compatible with Point System™ modules. This adapter is designed to sit between a Point System™ module and the backplane of the ION chassis. The purpose of the IONADP is to lengthen the Point System™ module so it can be securely mounted in an ION chassis while also connecting to the backplane allowing the ION chassis to power the Point System™ module.
nSNMP management of the Point System™ modules installed in the ION chassis is possible by using an existing Point System™ management module along with IONADP. The ION modules and the Point System™ modules are managed independently by their own respective management modules. The ION management module and the Point System™ management module would each require a unique IP address assigned to them while Focal Point can be used to access the management information from each management module simultaneously. ***Please Note*** In August 2021. Transition Networks and Net2Edge were aquired by Lantronix Inc. As Sol Distribution are official partners of Lantronix. Transition Networks. and Net2Edge. our customers will not be affected at all. You can continue to order Lantonix. Transition Networks and Net2Edge products from Sol Distribution as you always have.

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